On December 31, 2015, before the coming of 2016 New Year,
Sinorock® held an interesting sports meeting in Luoyang factory. Every staff had taken part in competition events and had a good time.
At 15:00 p.m., we all gathered in Sinorock® factory. There were four competition events: collective jump rope, single jump rope, kicking shuttlecock and tug of war competition. In order to make everyone join in this activity, we were divided into four
groups and struggled for the final award.
In the first game —— collective jump rope: two people were shaking rope and others jumped into the rope one by one. When all people of this group jumped into the rope, referee began to count.
In the second game —— single jump rope: every group chose four representatives to take part in jumping rope. Everyone had one minute to count and the sum of four people was the score.
In the third game —— kicking shuttlecock: every group chose four representatives to take part in. Everyone had two minutes to count and the sum of four people was the score.
In the four game —— tug of war: every group chose 10 men and 4 women to take part in. There were 3 times and winner was the group who pulling the other side over the center line.
Every staff in every group had tried their best, because of the sense of mission and responsibility. We were harder and more united, even through missing the final award, we were not regret.
Sinorock® had prepared well for 2016, are you ready to join hands with us?