Congratulations! Effect of Cold Rolling and Warm Rolling on Properties of Hollow Bolt Body by Sinorock was published on the 12th issue of Zhongzhou Coal Magazine, which is an authority magazine in mining industry. This indicates that our research on the self drilling anchor bolt has advanced further and we have made a major step forward to be a global brand in the filed of the geo-technical anchoring.
How do cold rolling and warm rolling influence the property of hollow bolt body? As we all know, hollow bolts which are made under traditional cold rolling process are widely used in soft rock roadway bolting, but for its low elongation rate which is not in harmony with the surrounding rock deformation, bolt failure and roadway instability are easily happened. To improve the elongation rate of the bolt of the bolt, meanwhile, to ensure its strength, the traditional cold rolling technics was improved to be warm rolling and induction heating. In comparison, the elongation rate of blots with warm-rolling process was significantly in creased while maintaining the original high strength. Therefore, in bolt supporting in soft rock roadway, it can effectively control surrounding rock using hollow bolts which is made under warm under warm-rolling process.
The achievement mainly owned to the unremitting efforts of our Technique Department. It is undoubtedly that the spirit of innovation will push forward Sinorock’s rapid development in the future.